Zero Gravity Capable Lift Chairs

Infinite Position




Zero Gravity Position Lift Chairs

     These chairs are able to acheive the same positions as an Infinite Postion chair plus the Zero-Gravity position.  The Zero-Gravity position is the most stress-free body position because weight distribution is equal throughout the body, alleviating pressure on the joints, neck, and back.  The zero gravity position was found by NASA to help astronauts endure the sudden and intense increases in gravity during takeoff.  By placing them in this position, the weight is redistributed equally throughout their body, allowing the stress of takeoff to be distributed safely through their bodies.  These lift chairs have 2 motors, allowing you to control the backrest and footrest separately. Zero gravity lift chairs are good for people who will be spending a lot of time and/or sleeping in the chair.

Positions: Infinite Positions including Zero Gravity and Trendelburg Positions.

*When choosing your chair, make sure to look at the Specs to see that the chair will fit you properly.*

** Due to the Covid-19 Crisis there may be longer than normal manufacturing times for all lift chairs.  Please call or email to inquire if their will be a lead time required 1-712-938-2029.


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  1. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    18.50" - 20.00"19.50" - 21.50"3755'1" - 6'4"
  2. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    23213755'6" - 6'1"
  3. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    20213755'1" - 6'4"
  4. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    22213755'6" - 6'1"

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