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*Remember when choosing your chair, that you make sure to look at the Specifications to see that the chair will fit you properly.*



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  1. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
  2. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    19-2119-203755’4” - 6’0”
  3. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    23" - 29.50"19.50" - 24"5005'1" - 6'4"
  4. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    18 - 2619 - 22375 - 5004'0" - 6'2"
  5. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    19-2121 and above3755’4” - 6’0”
  6. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    22213755'7" - 6'2"
  7. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    20-2719-215005'1" - 6'4"
  8. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    22-2418.5" - 23"4004'-0" - 6'-8"
  9. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    25 and above19 - 226005'6" - 6'1"
  10. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    23223755'4" - 5'10"
  11. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    18.50" - 20.00"19.50" - 21.50"3755'1" - 6'4"
  12. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    23213755'6" - 6'1"
  13. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    19-2219 - 224005'0" - 6'4"
  14. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    20213755'1" - 6'4"
  15. Seat Width Seat Depth Weight Capacity (lbs) Height of Person
    22213755'6" - 6'1"

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